Model Driven Security Policy Automation

On this blog, ObjectSecurity co-founder and CEO Ulrich Lang discusses security policy automation and model-driven security. The aim of this blog is to advocate advance the state of the art in this area through exchange of ideas. - -

Thursday 26 November 2009

Update: Model Driven Security Accreditation (MDSA) publications

ObjectSecurity published a scientific ACM publication "Model Driven Security Accreditation (MDSA) For Agile, Interconnected IT Landscapes" at The 1st ACM Workshop on Information Security Governance, November 13, 2009, Hyatt Regency Chicago, Chicago, USA

You can learn more about MDSA, MDS, and SOA Security here:

E-Book 3 - Model-Driven Security Accreditation for Agile IT Landscapes
E-Book 2 - Security Policy Management with Model Driven Security
E-Book 1 - SOA Security Concerns & Recommendations

1 comment:

Dr. Ulrich Lang, CEO, ObjectSecurity said...

P.S: There is now also a 4th eBook about Cloud security!